Last week saw the Register of Chartered Security Professionals (CSyP) Annual Dinner at the sumptuous Ironmonger’s Hall, one of the great livery hall buildings, on September 23rd 2024.


The evening kicked off with a formal address from Don Randall MBE CSyP FSyI, one of the founders of the Register. In it, he welcomed all new CSyPs and guests, and spoke about the enduring success of the Register and its increasing importance in the security profession before introducing the new Chair of The Chartered Security Professionals Registration Authority (CSPRA), Ian Dyson QPM DL.


Mr Dyson addressed all of the fresh faces, and spoke to his pride at being appointed Chair and the enduring legacy of his predecessor, the late Baroness Ruth Henig CBE JP DL. This was followed by a rousing speech from Mike Bluestone CSyP FSyI, who read the citations of all the new members in attendance who received their fresh CSyP certificates on the day.


A fabulous three course dinner was then enjoyed by all, with a final keynote address from a representative of UK National Authority for Counter-Eavesdropping (NACE) shortly thereafter. Don Randall MBE CSyP FSyI then closed off the night’s proceedings with a special thanks to new Chartership Administrator Andreea Mocanu BA (Hons) MBA and Chartership Consultant Di Thomas Hon. FSyI for all their hard work over the preceding months.

A special thank you to the sponsors of the evening: the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals, Nineteen Events and LMS Security Advisors. Their dedication is key in making events like this a success.

For the photographs of the night, please refer to our gallery page here.


All photographs are courtesy of Luminoor.





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