All Chartered Security Professionals are required to undertaken Continuous Professional Development (CPD), and do this by participating in the Security Institute’s annual CPD Scheme.

This is a self-administered scheme where you track your own CPD activity in a spreadsheet and submit it annually for verification.
The CPD year runs from 1 January to 31 December each year. During this time, you should award yourself points for the activities you have done based on the Table of Activities shown in the spreadsheet. Sometimes your learning will be formal i.e. classroom or conference-style, and other times informal i.e. reading magazines/websites, visiting exhibitions, helping others.
Every activity has a measure and can be converted into points (often it is 1 hour = 1 point).
Score 36 points against at least three different activities to complete your CPD each year.
If you are admitted part way through the year, in Year 1 only, score 3 points per complete month of certification i.e.. Join on 25th July, score 3 points per month from August to December = 15 points for that year.
Everything you need to get started with CPD is in the Toolkit and there is no need to pre-register – just download the Toolkit by clicking the link below, read the “Getting Started” tab and start recording your learning.
If you have any questions, please contact for advice.