Is accreditation open to everyone?2024-08-30T14:59:35+01:00

Yes, the Register of Chartered Security Professionals is open to everyone. No further membership is needed, although belonging to the WCoSP, The Security Institute, ASIS UK or other reputable security organisation will support an application.

Do my qualifications count? How can I check?2024-08-30T15:01:37+01:00

Please call us to discuss, or submit your application as an Expression of Interest. This will allow us to give you some useful written feedback and start the assessment process. Contact our Chartership Administrator for further details!

Most of my evidence is client specific and I can’t share it. What can I do?2024-06-19T15:10:32+01:00

All the assessors who see your application are CSyPs and bound by the Professional Code of Ethics. Anything you submit will not be discussed outside of processing your application, and can be destroyed once your application process has completed. Please don’t jeopardise your clients or your own integrity, but if you can share examples of the type of work you do and the level at which you work that is really useful. You will have an opportunity to discuss this further at your professional interview.

I can’t get to London for an interview. Does that rule me out?2024-08-30T15:01:07+01:00

No, our professional interviews are currently taking place online via Teams. However, if you would prefer an in person interview, please contact the Chartership Administrator who will be happy to arrange this for you with lots of notice.

How long does an application take?2024-06-19T15:12:26+01:00

It varies depending on the calibre of the application you submit (the more thorough it is, the easier it is for us to process) also on whether you make a Standard (ie. with a Degree) or Individual application.

Finally, we need to make sure we have the right assessors available for you when it is time for your professional interview particularly if you have a specialist security role, so that we can be fair and understand the points you are making. The quickest turnaround time has been 4 weeks, the longest over a year.

What is the difference between a CSyP and a qualification within a Membership Organisation?2024-07-02T08:56:25+01:00

CSyP is an independent verification of your competency skill set and confirms that you are making a strategic impact in your role. It is an independent accreditation such as with Chartered Accountants and Chartered Engineers.

If you have other questions, please feel free to contact the Chartership Administrator for more information.

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